Saturday, August 27, 2011

Recommended Treatments for Piles

What would you say are hemorrhoids or piles?

Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen blood vessels in or about the rectal area. They normally vary in size from a peanut towards the size of a common walnut and may also be found in the rectum or they might protrude out of the anus (these sort have a tendency to be slightly itchy, uncomfortable, and are often painful?
Sometimes they are able to even trigger rectal bleeding, especially during defecation. Hemorrhoids are extremely in all varieties of people, but are quite common in expecting mothers during pregnancy, particularly during the third trimester. Some women get hemorrhoids or piles for their first time during pregnancy. And if you had them just before pregnancy, it is more likely for them to come back during pregnancy. You can also develop piles from pushing during the second phase of labor, and after giving birth, piles are a common complaint of several mothers. In most cases, hemorrhoids start to develop during pregnancy, even so following giving birth they have a tendency to gradually disappear, in particular if you are careful to avoid constipation.
How I can avoid future hemorrhoids?
Women are far more prone to hemorrhoids during pregnancy, but that is not always the case. Hemorrhoids can arrive among all types of individuals at a variety of stages of their life, as a result it's essential to know how to prevent them. Even if you are not a woman or aren't pregnant, here are some methods to avoid or to remove piles if you already have them.
Effective Hemorrhoid Treatments
• First, prevent constipation: You need to eat a diet high in fiber (lots of whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables), plenty of water (8-10 glasses a day) and maintain weekly exercise, even if you only have time for a short, quick walk. If you are constipated, consult your doctor about starting a fiber supplement or stool softener.
• Do not wait, if you have to have a bowel movement go to the toilet immediately. Try not to strain while having a bowel movement and do not stay on the toilet for extended periods of time, mainly because the toilet seat puts additional pressure on the rectal area.

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